Technological Research and Development PI

Martin Villiger is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. After completing his dissertation research at EPFL in 2010, he joined the Wellman Center for Photomedicine where he is currently leading research in advancing polarization sensitive imaging for applications including intravascular imaging in the coronary arteries.
Villiger Team Members

Georgia Jones is PhD student in the Health Sciences and Technology program at MIT. She received her BSc in Physics from McMaster University. She is currently working on developing image processing techniques for intravascular PS-OCT and reconstructing polarimetric signal from using a single input polarization state.

Lia Gomez-Perez is a PhD student in the Health Sciences & Technology program at MIT. She received her BSc in Biomedical Engineering from The Ohio State University. She is currently working on phase imaging with coherent oblique back-illumination and polarimetric imaging through sub-surface self-interference.

Gyeong Hun Kim is a Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and the Wellman Center for Photomedicine. He received his Ph.D degree at the Pusan National University (South Korea). Currently, his research focuses on computational optical imaging through single thin multimode fibers and the development of its tomographic systems for biomedical endoscopic applications.

Po-Yi Lee is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. He received his Ph.D. in Bioengineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 2023. His current research focuses on polarization-sensitive retinal imaging using commercial optical coherence tomography (OCT) instruments.
Villiger Team Alumni

Pelham Keahey worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School. He received his undergraduate training in Physics at Southwestern University in Georgetown, Texas and completed his dissertation research in Applied Physics at Rice University in Houston, Texas. His research focused on utilizing new imaging and molecular diagnostics to improve the early detection of cancer.

Szu-Yu Lee graduated from the Health Sciences and Technology program at MIT in Spring 2022. He previously received his Bachelor and Master degrees from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Taiwan University. His research focused on optical transmission through optical multi-mode fibers (MMFs) and their potential of being transformed into hair-thin stand-alone imaging probes for endoscopic applications.

Mohammad Haft-Javaherian worked as Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. He received his PhD from Cornell University and joined the Wellman Center for Photomedicine in 2019. His research focused on rigorous and practical machine learning algorithms to analyze intracoronary PS-OCT images.

Vicente Parot is Assistant Professor at Catholic University of Chile, formerly an MGH Research Fellow and recipient of the 2019 OSA Deutsch Fellowship. Vicente completed his PhD in Biophysics at Harvard and in Health Sciences and Technology at MIT. He received the Electrical Engineering and Master of Science degrees at Catholic University of Chile. At the Wellman Center, he developed novel anisotropic contrast mechanisms for OCT and strategies for proximal calibration of multi-mode fiber endoscopes.

Kenichiro Otsuka was a Visiting Researcher at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine and CBORT. He received his PhD in Cardiology from the Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine. His research interests focused on clinical studies using polarization-sensitive optical frequency domain imaging for diagnosis of coronary artery disease.